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Benefits and payments homepage
Take a look at the range of benefits and payments we have available.
Not working
Redundancy, health condition or disability or another reason you can’t work
Living expenses
Food, school costs, power, accommodation or other living expenses you need help with
Relationship changes
You’ve had a relationship break-up, family breakdown or violent relationship end
Health and Disability
Counselling, prescription and GP costs, medical alarms and other costs we can help with
Travelling overseas, how to apply, payment rates and dates, overseas pensions, income and other info for Seniors
Caring for someone else’s child or someone with a health condition, injury or disability
Urgent or unexpected costs
Dental, glasses, car repairs, fridge, washing machine, funeral or other urgent costs you need help with
Childcare, school uniforms, stationery, having a baby and other costs if you have children
Moving to New Zealand
Payments you can get from us, settling into NZ, overseas pensions and more.
Benefits and forms
A-Z list of benefits, forms, benefit rates
On a benefit homepage
Check out what you need to do when you're getting a benefit or other payment from us.
Something's changed
Address, contact details, overseas travel, childcare, relationship or anything else that’s changed.
Declare income and income deduction tables
Change in your childcare situation, continue childcare payments, cohort entry schools and other childcare information
Going overseas
Travelling or moving overseas may affect your payments.
Re-apply, review or renew
Re-apply for a payment, review circumstances, renew medical certificate and more
Check or stop your payments, payment cards and other information
Check your debt, repayments and other debt information
Rights and responsibilities
Our commitment to you, obligations, complaints, benefit fraud and more
Housing homepage
Find out how we can help you with housing.
Nowhere to stay
Get help if you have nowhere to stay right now.
Find a house
Find out where to look for private housing, or apply for public (social) housing.
Living in your home
Get help with accommodation costs, and advice on any housing issues and public housing tenancies.
Moving house
Find out how we can help if you’re moving house.
Other languages
Read some of our housing information in other languages.
Declaration - Apprenticeship Boost Initiative
This declaration applies to you if you're an employer who has applied for the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative for one or more apprentices on or after 1 January 2025.
By applying for Apprenticeship Boost Initiative, you (the employer) are declaring that for each apprentice named in your application, you:
- Meet the eligibility criteria for the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative, namely that:
- you employ an employee who:
- is enrolled in and engaged in an apprenticeship programme approved and funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) as a New Zealand Apprenticeship or a Managed Apprenticeship; and
- are within the eligible New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) fields; and
- is in paid employment; and
- has completed no more than 12 months of their apprenticeship programme;
- you are not a State Sector employer, which means the following:
- Public Service
- Non-Public Service Departments
- Crown Entities
- Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- Offices of Parliament
- for each apprentice named in your application you are not also receiving a payment in respect of them under the following schemes:
- Mana in Mahi
- the Flexi-Wage Subsidy
- the Regional Apprenticeships Initiative as administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
- any wage-subsidy component of the Māori Trades and Training Fund.
- you employ an employee who:
- Agree that you will retain the apprentice.
- Agree that you are and will continue to comply with your obligations under the Minimum Wage Act 1983.
- Agree you will provide information required by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to confirm your continued eligibility for Apprenticeship Boost Initiative.
- Agree that you will immediately notify MSD if there are any changes in circumstances for you or your apprentice that may affect your eligibility for Apprenticeship Boost Initiative.
- Confirm that the apprentice has given their consent in writing to share the information about them in your application with MSD, TEC and MBIE, and they have completed the relevant Apprentice Consent Form. You acknowledge that this is a condition of the grant of Apprenticeship Boost Initiative.
- Confirm that you are recorded as the apprentice's employer in their apprenticeship training agreement. You acknowledge that this is a condition of the grant of Apprenticeship Boost Initiative.
- Confirm that you will abide by the Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships. You acknowledge that this is a condition of the grant of Apprenticeship Boost Initiative.
- Acknowledge that MSD will provide a tax invoice for each payment (if you are registered for GST).
- Agree that all of the information you have provided to us is true, correct and complete, and to immediately contact us should it be necessary to correct any information provided to us at any time.
- Agree to repay any payments made to you if you were not, or stop being entitled to the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative, or if you received payments at a higher rate than you were entitled to, to repay the excess.
- Acknowledge if you have provided false or misleading information you may be subject to an investigation including for offences under the Crimes Act 1961.
In submitting this declaration, you also acknowledge that:
- MSD collects the information in this application to determine whether you are eligible to receive assistance.
- MSD will share the information with TEC so that TEC can verify your eligibility. If TEC receives updated information from you or the provider at any time, this may affect your payments.
- The information will be held by MSD and TEC. MSD's address is PO Box 1556, Wellington 6140. TEC's address is PO Box 27048, Wellington 6141.
- You do not have to provide the information, but if you do not, we are likely to decline your application as we will not have enough information to determine whether you are eligible.
- Every apprentice named in your application is entitled to withdraw their consent for information about them to be disclosed. You acknowledge that if any apprentice does withdraw their consent, then you will not continue to disclose their information, unless and until any such apprentice decides to renew their consent.
- Under the Privacy Act 2020 you and your apprentices have the right to request access to all personal information held about yourself and to request corrections to that information.