Work homepage
We can help you get ready to apply and find the right job for you. We can even help you while you're working.
Get ready to work
You can get training, help with CVs and cover letters, and advice for job interviews.
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Find out what jobs are available, which job is best for you and how you can plan your career.
Whether you've just started a job or need some help at work, we've got your back.
Lost your job
We'll help you get ready to find a new job and support you while you're between jobs.
Start your own business
Get help to plan and set up a successful business or be a self-employed contractor.
Benefits and payments homepage
Take a look at the range of benefits and payments we have available.
Not working
Redundancy, health condition or disability or another reason you can’t work
Living expenses
Food, school costs, power, accommodation or other living expenses you need help with
Relationship changes
You’ve had a relationship break-up, family breakdown or violent relationship end
Health and Disability
Counselling, prescription and GP costs, medical alarms and other costs we can help with
Travelling overseas, how to apply, payment rates and dates, overseas pensions, income and other info for Seniors
Caring for someone else’s child or someone with a health condition, injury or disability
Urgent or unexpected costs
Dental, glasses, car repairs, fridge, washing machine, funeral or other urgent costs you need help with
Childcare, school uniforms, stationery, having a baby and other costs if you have children
Moving to New Zealand
Payments you can get from us, settling into NZ, overseas pensions and more.
Benefits and forms
A-Z list of benefits, forms, benefit rates
On a benefit homepage
Check out what you need to do when you're getting a benefit or other payment from us.
Something's changed
Address, contact details, overseas travel, childcare, relationship or anything else that’s changed.
Declare income and income deduction tables
Change in your childcare situation, continue childcare payments, cohort entry schools and other childcare information
Going overseas
Travelling or moving overseas may affect your payments.
Re-apply, review or renew
Re-apply for a payment, review circumstances, renew medical certificate and more
Check or stop your payments, payment cards and other information
Check your debt, repayments and other debt information
Rights and responsibilities
Our commitment to you, obligations, complaints, benefit fraud and more
Housing homepage
Find out how we can help you with housing.
Nowhere to stay
Get help if you have nowhere to stay right now.
Find a house
Find out where to look for private housing, or apply for public (social) housing.
Living in your home
Get help with accommodation costs, and advice on any housing issues and public housing tenancies.
Moving house
Find out how we can help if you’re moving house.
Other languages
Read some of our housing information in other languages.
Family Violence Intervention Programme
The Family Violence Intervention Programme enhances Work and Income's response to people who are experiencing family violence.
Call the Police on 111 if you are in immediate danger.
The programme recognises that New Zealand has a very high rate of family violence and that many victims are clients of Work and Income. Service centres are an excellent point of contact to identify and support people in this situation.
By providing a skilled client response, closely linked into existing local family violence service providers, we can make a significant contribution to reducing family violence and promoting the safety and wellbeing of people and their families.
We have developed strong working relationships with other government agencies and community-based family violence service providers to support people affected by family violence.
Our case managers have been trained to identify and respond appropriately to people who are living in or leaving violent family situations.
Family Violence Response Co-ordinators have been appointed in each region to provide support to case managers and liaise with local support services.
The programme ensures that our staff:
- have a greater awareness of the effects of family violence and the barriers victims face to participating fully in the community
- provide a safe and sensitive environment for clients experiencing family violence
- develop close links with local family violence service agencies
- are able to refer clients to appropriate support services.
The programme is available to anyone affected by family violence. People wanting help to stop using violence will also be referred to support services.
Information and support is available through the Family Violence – 'Are You Ok' website.
The website has information on:
- understanding unsafe relationships and family violence
- getting support – for you or someone else
- communities information and support
- takatāpui and rainbow
- Pacific people
- disabled people
- ethnic communities.
The website also has tools and services to support you:
- Check It Out – answer questions to find out about abusive behaviours and how to find support
- Service Finder – find the right service for you
- 24/7 web chat and helpline services to speak with trained counsellors anytime.
If you're experiencing, using or witnessing family violence you can do something about it.
Call 111 if someone is in immediate danger.
For advice, support, and to find a support service in your area, you can either:
- call for family violence support anytime on 0800 456 450 to speak with a trained counsellor, or
- go to the 'Are You OK' website:
If you feel at risk of using violence and are worried your behaviour is hurting or scaring others, there’s help to make a change. You can get advice, support and find a support service in your area by either:
- calling the 24/7 support line on 0800 456 450, or
- going to the 'Change is Possible' website:
For information about family violence support services or stopping-violence support services in your local area you can go to the Family Services Directory:
You can also contact us: